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Mark Townsend

Cheif Editor, Writer

Hi! I'm Mark! I started playing trumpet in 5th grade and have continued to do so, along with picking up a little bass in my sophomore year (recently a little piano too!). Although I try to listen to as much music as I can, I am more focused on media production and a lot of the film work for Prodigious Productions. The vast majority of the videos you see from our YouTube channel is a product of my work. I don't do a whole lot at The 7th String other then approve and schedule the posts along with writing the occasional editorial. I do my best to make the blog as good and diverse as possible! Hope you enjoy it!

Noah Alexander


Hey guys, I'm Noah Alexander. The voice of your normal every day (educated) music listener. Though I will not show my face, I will give you my opinions on everything that happens in my musical life. A little history, my mom (a french horn player) worked learning trumpet into my home schooling schedule. I played, or should I say "played" trumpet until my 8th grade year when I picked up the guitar. I continue to play my guitar but mainly focus on hearing as much music as possible. Something is always playing near me and very rarely do I listen to the same thing twice. It was pointed out to me a while ago that I am extremely critical of music, which is why Mark asked me to write for this blog. I'll admit, I can be a bit of an asshole. Don't take anything I say on the blog personally. What I write is meant to be humorous and not to be taken seriously. I'm just voicing my opinions and having a little fun while I do it! Happy reading! (and listening!)

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